For all of you including myself trying to plan a wedding while dealing with life gets pretty hectic. ROCKSTAR LIMO wants you to know that we are here for YOU and want you to know that planning a wedding should be FUN!
If you're looking for the most amazing caterers in town, we are discussing one of the best today. Blackstone Caterers which is located in Middletown, RI and has been around since 1945! They are now in their sixth decade of operation and they set the standard VERY high for catering in Southern New England.
From their website they ask: Why Blackstone Caterers? Their response was: "It is our mission to prepare with honesty, execute with integrity and deliver beyond expectations.
Besides our culinary expertise, we set ourselves apart in various ways."
They are hands down the BEST of the BEST and are amazing to work with. ROCKSTAR LIMO highly recommends Blackstone Caterers for any upcoming event including your big day! Let them take some of the crazy stress off you and make sure your wedding is as stress-free as possible.
Click HERE for their website and you will not be disappointed!